Website Guide

Overview of top navigation on website

My Account

This takes you to the Accounts Admin page where you have several options available, depending on the access you have been granted, some of which are also shown on the site heading for ease of access.

Order History

This is where you can find orders already placed. You can view and repeat an order, either in full or in part.

Saved Orders

Where you will find orders that have been saved ready for processing. To save an order add your items to the basket and proceed through the checkout process. You will find the option to save your order on the last page of the checkout process. We can provide multiple logins to the same account; this means you can have some that create orders and a user that completes them. The video below is simple demonstration of how to save and download an order to send to your finance team for processing.


Top Products

Selecting this will fetch all the products you have purchased over the last period. This page is set to Stock Code Ascending, and to view the max number of products. There is the option on this page to add the items to your Favourites list, you may wish to do this if you would like a concise list of the items that you order most frequently. Simply click on the star and it will turn to blue which indicates that it has been added to your Favourites list. Please note that Favourites is an account wide list which can be modified by any user that has online access in your organisation. If you would like your own personal list then you can set this up under Lists.


As mentioned above, this is where you will find all the products that you have ‘starred’ in the Top Products list, or directly from a product elsewhere on the site. Every product has a star that can be clicked. You can adjust the quantities and add items directly from the Favourites list to the cart for re-ordering. Please note that Favourites is an account wide list which can be modified by any user that has online access in your organisation. If you would like your own personal list then you can set this up under Lists.


This is where you can as a user set up lists of products that you want to order regularly, maybe for a specific person or department. It is very simple to use, just type in your list name and click save, then search for the items you want to appear in it. To order from it all you need to do is make sure the quantities are correct and select add to basket and checkout.

How to set up an additional user

Please contact us if you require multiple logins for your account to allow more than one person to order for your company.

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